Make sure the Soul of your Pet fully leaves their body in a peaceful way and get midwifed through the process of transition.

Has your Pet recently transitioned?

Julie is now offering Animal Grief Counseling where you talk about your pet and how he or she is transitioning, and make any adjustments for you and your pet to feel relief. She makes sure the Soul of your Pet fully leaves their body in a peaceful way. For a more complete and harmonious process, she also midwifes you as the Pet owner through the transition.

This is a safe place to discuss the loss/death of your pet whether it was 2 days ago or 20 years ago. If your animal is still with you but maybe they’re sick and/or geriatric and you’re wondering how to stay out of the black hole of sadness when you think about losing them, this service will support you as well.


Your Pet's transition does not mean it is the end - it means that they have simply just dropped their body.


Julie has found that at least 50% of animals do not completely leave their bodies after they transition.

Grief Counseling Testimonials

“Julie is magical and has been such a friend to me and my foster dogs. Highly recommend taking her up on this offer!” - Victoria D.

“Thank you! Yes I feel Marley with me. Now I feel more complete that it’s not just me who feels that way.” - Student from Masterclass

“Julie helps me constantly with my animals and others I know… among other things Julie is amazing.” - Holly S.

Ozzy’s Story

Ozzy (pictured) inspired this offering of Animal Grief Counseling. Here she is in her last month in her body. Ozzy was a 16 year old cat weighing about 5lbs here who died of kidney failure and had dementia. Holly (Ozzy’s owner) called me over when she was unable to find her in the home. When I arrived, I located Ozzy and was able to be there when Ozzy dropped her body and midwife Holly through the loss as well.

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